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Category: cutting

  • Trenbolone Enanthate 100mg 10mL Sterile Multi Dose Vial

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    Trenbolone Enanthate 100mg 10mL Sterile Multi Dose Vial

    The drug Trenbolone is, without a doubt, the most powerful injectable anabolic steroid used by members to gain muscle. However the full properties of the drug are not always fully understood. This profile will separate fact from fiction and help members decide if Trenbolone is right for them.

    Trenbolone is similar to the highly popular steroid Nandrolone, in that they are both 19-nor steroids, meaning that a testosterone molecule has been altered at the 19th position to give us a new compound. Unlike Nandrolone however Trenbolone is an excellent mass and hardening drug with the majority of gains being muscle fiber, with minimal water retention (1) It has an unbelievable anabolic (muscle building) score of 500. When you compare that to Testosterone, which itself is a powerful mass builder, and has an anabolic score of 100 you can begin to fathom the muscle building potential of Trenbolone. What makes Trenbolone so anabolic? Numerous factors come into play. Trenbolone greatly increases the level of the extremely anabolic hormone IGF-1 within muscle tissue (2). And, its worth noting that not only does it increase the levels of IGF-1 in muscle over two fold, it also causes muscle satellite cells (cells that repair damaged muscle) to be more sensitive to IGF-1 and other growth factors(3). The amount of DNA per muscle cell may also be significantly increased (3).

    Trenbolone also has a very strong binding affinity to the androgen receptor (A.R), binding much more strongly than testosterone (4). This is important, because the stronger a steroid binds to the androgen receptor the better that steroid works at activating A.R dependent mechanisms of muscle growth. There is also strong supporting evidence that compounds which bind very tightly to the androgen receptor also aid in fat loss. Think as the receptors as locks and androgen’s as different keys, with some keys (androgen’s) opening (binding) the locks (receptors) much better than others. This is not to say that AR-binding is the final word on a steroids effectiveness. Anadrol doesnt have any measurable binding to the AR& and we all know how potent Anadrol is for mass-building.

    Trenbolone increases nitrogen retention in muscle tissue (5). This is of note because nitrogen retention is a strong indicator of how anabolic a substance is. However, it’s incredible mass building effects do not end there. Trenbolone has the ability to bind with the receptors of the anti-anabolic (muscle destroying) glucocorticoid hormones (6). This may also has the effect of inhibiting the catabolic (muscle destroying) hormone cortisol (7).

    Yet another amazing trait that must be noted is its ability to improve feed efficiency and mineral absorption in animals given the drug (8). To help you understand what this means for you, feed efficiency is a measurement of how much of an animals diet is converted into meat, and the more food it takes to produce this meat, the lower the efficiency. Conversely, the less food it takes to produce meat the, higher the efficiency& well you get the idea. Animals given Trenbolone gained high quality weight without having their diet adjusted, thus improving feed efficiency. Finding new compounds which can improve feed efficiency is a billion dollar industry, and has spawned many nutritional advances in the bodybuilding world over the last few decades (CLA, Whey Protein, and HMB are compounds which spring to mind as having first been introduced by the livestock industry). What does this translate to for the hard training athlete? The food you eat will be better utilized for building lean muscle, and vitamins and minerals are also better absorbed which may keep you healthier during cycle.

  • Trenbolone Acetate 10mL 100mg Sterile Multi Dose Vial

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    Trenbolone Acetate 10mL 100mg Sterile Multi Dose Vial

    10mL sterile multi-dose vial

  • Susta/Tren 10mL Suston 250 mg/Trenbolone Enanthate 100mg 10ml Sterile Multi Dose Vial

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    Susta/Tren 10mL Suston 250 mg/Trenbolone Enanthate 100mg 10ml Sterile Multi Dose Vial

    Sustanon 250 and Trenbolone Enanthate are two of the most powerful injectable steroids on the planet. When you combine these two together, you get amazingly rapid results. This is one of those blended compounds that you can take to get both quality lean size and strength. It is also not a “beginner” steroid

  • NPP 10ml 100mg Sterile multi dose vial

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    NPP 10ml 100mg Sterile multi dose vial

    The first thing that you should know is that this anabolic steroid has a lot of the same properties as the compound, Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca). Actually, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate was marketed first, during the 50s. It was sold commercially under the brand name, Durabolin.

    The company that made and sold Durabolin was called Organon. Later on, Organan would create a second formula, Nandrolone Decanoate, which was branded as Deca Durabolin.

    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) History

    This anabolic steroid has a small ester base and it’s known as NPP for short. It’s never achieved the same popularity as Decanoate, which has a large ester base. This is primarily because the Deconoate formula was easier to buy. It was sold in more places. However, these days, underground labs are producing Nandrolone Phenylpropionate and this is boosting its popularity. It’s being used more often because it’s easier to access.

    It’s being made in underground labs because it’s isn’t legal in America and many other parts of the world. It’s actually tough to find NPP, although it’s easier than it used to be. This steroid is legal when it’s prescribed for a medical condition. However, most people who want it are looking for it because they want better results from bodybuilding. A doctor won’t prescribe it for this reason.

    Why Use Nandrolone Phenylpropionate?

    This anabolic steroid offers a host of performance benefits and therapeutic benefits. Aside from testosterone, the hormone known as Nandrolone is the anabolic steroid which is most-prescribed by doctors. However, the Decanoate formula is the most commonly-prescribed form of Nandrolone (rather than Nandrolone Phenylproprionate).

    In general, people who use Nandrolone tolerate it very well. This isn’t to say that there is no risk of side effects. It’s an anabolic steroid and they all come with the risk of side effects.

    Properties of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP)

    Now, let’s look at the traits and function of this anabolic steroid. In terms of its scientific structure, it is an anabolic androgenic steroid of the 19-nortestosterone type. When the 19-nor classification applies, it means that a testosterone hormone structural change has taken place in the nineteenth position. The change is that the hormone’s carbon atom has been eliminated in position 19.

    When this change is made to testosterone, Nandrolone is created. When a short ester called Phenylpropionate is added to the changed formula (which is Nandrolone), Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is created.

    In terms of how Nandrolone Phenylpropionate functions, it’s just the same as Nandrolone Decanoate. Each one is made from the same hormone as the other. However, with NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate), the half-life is shorter and the burst of Nandrolone is bigger, post-injection .

    Basically, if you’re interested in keeping your blood levels stable, you’ll need to inject NPP more than you’ll need to inject Nandrolone Decanoate.

    In terms of how NPP compares to testosterone, it’s more anabolic, but not by much. To put it into perspective, testosterone has a 125 rating, while testosterone has a rating of 100. It’s much less androgenic than testosterone, with a rating of 37. Testoesterone rates 100. Decreased androgenic properties are because Nandrolone reduces to DHN instead of reducing to DHT. For this reason, NPP is easier for males to tolerate in high doses, versus testosterone. DHN stands for dihydronandrolone and DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone.

    In addition to being less androgenic, NPP is not as estogenic. NPP aromatizes testosterone eight percent less than testosterone does.

    As well, you should know that Nandrolone Phenylpropionate has the nature, progestin, which impacts its side effects.

    NPP has a lot of the good properties of other anabolics. However, it goes further by outpacing other steroids in terms of what it can do for the human body. To explain, we’d like to share information about the best traits of NPP.

    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) Positive Characteristics

    If you want more production of IGF-1, which is “insulin-like growth factor), NPP will deliver. IGF-1 is a powerful hormone which is anabolic and it will assist the human body with recovering from training. This important hormone plays a role on a host of cells.

    As well, NPP will inhibit Glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids are cortisol stress hormones which play an important role in how we feel and in how healthy we are. However, it’s not a good thing when our levels of glucocorticoids are too high, as this may lead to fat gain and muscle loss. When we get a lot of physical exertion, we’re more likely to have higher level of stress hormones. The hormone, Nandrolone, is able to decrease stress hormone production.

    Another advantage of NPP is that it will boost the retention of Nitrogen. Our tissue for muscle is made up of sixteen percent Nitrogen. When retention goes down, we enter a state which is catabolic. The more we keep, the more anabolic our bodies are.

    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate will also increase the synthesis of protein. Protein synthesis is the pace at which cells will build proteins. Proteins are muscle tissue building blocks.

    Also, Nandrolone will boost the our counts of red blood cells. These cells deliver oxygen to our bloodstreams. When red blood cell production rises, our muscular endurance increases and we recover with more ease.

    Another positive aspect of NPP is that it will boost the synthesis of collagen and the content of bone minerals. If you want stronger cartilage and bones, as well as the capacity to recover from problems with bones and cartilage, then this anabolic steroid will likely be helpful. In particular, the enhanced collagen production and bone mineral production triggered by NPP will make good joint health easier to achieve.

    NPP is also used in order to treat an array of medical conditions. Patients with HIV and cancer may benefit from injecting it, as may patients with fatigue and muscle-wasting illnesses. As well, those who are anemic may benefit. Other examples of conditions which may be treated with Nandrolone Phenylpropioniate include breast cancer, anemia, pituitary dwarfism, serious burns, ulcers, mental development problems (in children) and osteoporosis.

    While it does offer benefits to a lot of different types of patients, in America, it’s typically prescribed to people who suffer from anemia, AIDS or HIV. It’s quite successful in terms of improving patient outcomes. In other parts of the world, it may be prescribed for other types of illnesses, in addition to the ones it’s used to treat in the USA. There are some incidences of it being used to slow down the aging process.

    Effects of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP)

    By now, we’ve reviews some of the main properties of this anabolic steroid. We know its key traits and functions. Now, we’d like to share information about how NPP helps performance athletes. Most people who are interested in NPP do fit this category!

    In the off season, a performance athlete will typically enter a bulking cycle and NPP is an effective steroid for this phase. It’s designed to boost size and muscularity. If you want a mass builder which a lot of bodybuilders rely on, you’ll find that this one delivers. While it’s quite fast-acting, growth won’t be rapid. However, growth will occur in a steady manner.

    Bear in mind that you’ll need to consume enough calories to grow effectively. This means eating more calories than you burn off. If you eat properly, you’ll get maximal benefits from NPP. Also, performance athletes may find that their bodies are leaner because this hormone speeds up their metabolisms. Also, recovery from training and injuries will be easier when you add Nandrolone Phenylpropionate to your bulking phase routine.

    This hormone is also a popular choice for cutting cycles. However, it’s more renowned as a bulking steroid than a cutting one! When you use it for cutting, it will keep you from losing lean muscle mass. Unfortunately, when we begin to slim down during cutting phases, we run the risk of losing precious muscle tissue, as well as fat. This steroid will protect the muscle tissue that bodybuilders work so hard to keep.

    If you want superb joint discomfort relief and recovery, NPP may be right for you. A lot of bodybuilders use it in smaller doses in order to access this benefit. The steroid doesn’t mask symptoms. Instead, it provides real relief. Strength gains may also happen with this steroid. However, it’s not usually chosen for this reason.

    Now, let’s talk about the downside. With steroids, there is always a downside. As we mentioned earlier, this steroid is one that most people tolerate well. However, you need to know the risks…

    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) Side Effects

    This steroid does cause side effects in some users. However, it’s definitely not one of the steroids which is known for its nasty side effects. If you want to avoid or manage side effects from NPP, you need to understand how the steroid works. We’ve offered detailed information above. In most males, it is possible to avoid all side effects of this anabolic steroid. Here are the most common side effects associated with NPP:


  • Masteron 10ml 100mg Sterile multi dose vial

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    Masteron 10ml 100mg Sterile multi dose vial

    10mL sterile multi-dose vial

    Drostanolone Propionate is an anabolic androgenic steroid that first hit the market around 1970 under the trade name Masteron manufactured by Syntex. However, the compound was actually developed by Syntex in 1959 along with Oxymetholone (Anadrol) but would not be released until well after Anadrol. Syntex would also provide the compound under numerous other brand names such as Masteril and Metormon among others, as well as Drolban under the license given by Syntext to Lilly. However, Masteron has remained the most recognizable brand.

    As a therapeutic agent, Masteron enjoyed two decades of success in combating advanced inoperable breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It would also become a popular cutting steroid among bodybuilders, which is where Masteron is currently most commonly found. However, the original Masteron brand is no longer available; in fact, nearly every pharmaceutical brand on earth has been discontinued. This compound is still approved by the U.S. FDA, but it is rarely used in breast cancer treatment any longer in favor of other options. The steroid is, however, still tremendously popular in competitive bodybuilding cycles and often considered essential to contest preparation.

    Masteron Functions & Traits:

    Drostanolone Propionate is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid. Specifically, Masteron is the DHT hormone that has been structurally altered by the addition of a methyl group at the carbon 2 position, This protects the hormone from the metabolic breakdown by the 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme, which is found in the skeletal muscle. It also greatly increases the hormone’s anabolic nature. This simple structural change is all it takes to create Drostanolone, and from here the small/short Propionate ester is attached in order to control the hormone’s release time. Drostanolone Enanthate can also be found through some underground labs, which does not have to be injected as frequently, but it is somewhat rare compared to the Propionate version. The majority of all Masteron on the market will be Drostanolone Propionate.

    On a functional basis, Masteron is well-known for being one of the only anabolic steroids with strong anti-estrogenic properties. Not only does this steroid carry no estrogenic activity, but it can actually act as an anti-estrogen in the body. This is why it has been effective in the treatment of breast cancer. In fact, the combination of Masteron and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) has been shown to be far more effective than chemotherapy in the treatment of inoperable breast cancer in postmenopausal women. This also makes it a popular steroid among bodybuilders as it could actually prohibit the need for an anti-estrogen when used in the right cycle. This will also prove advantageous during the cutting phase due to the hardening effects it can provide.

    Masteron carries relatively low anabolic and androgenic ratings; however, these ratings are somewhat misleading. It’s important to remember DHT, the basis of Masteron, is five times more androgenic than testosterone with a much stronger binding affinity to the androgen receptor. This again promotes a harder look and can also enhance fat loss. Most all anabolic steroids are well-noted for enhancing the metabolic rate, but strong androgens have a tendency to directly promote lipolysis.

    As an anabolic, Masteron isn’t well-known for promoting gains in lean muscle mass. It has never been used for muscle wasting in a therapeutic sense and will almost always be found in cutting plans among performance athletes. It can, however, promote significant boosts in strength, which could prove beneficial to an athlete who may not necessarily be looking for raw mass.

    Effects of Masteron:

    Without question, the effects of Masteron will be displayed in the most efficient way during a cutting cycle. However, for the effects to be truly appreciated the individual will need to be extremely lean. This is why the hormone will most commonly be found at the end of bodybuilding contest prep cycles as the individual should already be fairly lean at this stage. The added Masteron will help him lose that last bit of fat that often hangs on for dear life at the end of a cycle. It will also ensure his physique appears as hard as can be. Of course, the anti-estrogenic effect will simply enhance this overall look. For those that are not competitive bodybuilder lean, it is possible that the effects of Masteron may not be all that noticeable. The individual who is under 10% body fat should be able to notice some results and produce a harder, dryer look, but much over 10% and the effects may not be all that pronounced.

    As a potent androgen, Masteron can benefit the athlete looking for a boost in strength. This can be a very beneficial steroid for an athlete who is following a calorie restricted diet in an effort to maintain a specific bodyweight necessary for his pursuit. The individual could easily enjoy moderate increases in strength and a slight improvement in recovery and muscular endurance without unwanted body weight gain.


    As a bulking agent, the effects of Masteron will prove to be rather week. It is possible the hormone could provide gains in mass similar to Primobolan Depot, which won’t be that strong either, if the total dose was high enough. However, the relative gain in size will be very moderate with many anabolic steroids being far more suited for this period of steroidal supplementation. There are those who may wish to include Masteron in a bulking plan for its anti-estrogenic and fat loss effects. The latter would ensure they kept their body fat gain minimized during off-season bulking phases, but this isn’t reason enough to use it in this phase. Body fat should be controllable without it. As for the anti-estrogenic effects, off-season cycles are normally comprised of large amounts of aromatase activity due to high doses of testosterone. Progesterone activity is also commonly high with the addition of Nandrolone compounds and possible Trenbolone. Consider additional Anadrol or Dianabol and this estrogenic activity can become very pronounced. Unfortunately, while possessing anti-estrogenic effects, Masteron will not be strong enough to combat this level of estrogenic activity.

    Side Effects of Masteron:

    In many ways, Masteron is a fairly side effect friendly anabolic steroid. Side effects of Masteron use most certainly exist, but most men will find this steroid highly tolerable. As for females, virilization symptoms can be strong with this steroid, but we will also find they can be managed with the right plan. In order to understand the side effects of Masteron, we have broken them down into their separate categories along with all you need to know.

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  • Equi/Tren E 10ml Sterile multi dose vial

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    Equi/Tren E 10ml Sterile multi dose vial

    Equipoise 200mg/mL and Trenbolone Enanthate 100mg/mL is another one of those compounds that delivers exactly what one would expect; dense and vascular mass. It is a great pre-contest compound, that will most definitely help you retain your size, while getting you shredded at the same time.

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