Arimidex, known by its chemical name Anastrozole is an aromatase inhibitor. Why should that concern bodybuilders? The aromatase enzyme is responsible for the production of estrogens in the body. By inhibiting it, Arimidex lowers estrogen levels in the body [R]
Here’s why that is important. Many bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to build muscle, lose fat and improve athletic performance. What most anabolic steroid users may not know is that they increase estrogen levels in the body, exposing your body to serious side effects.
That is where Arimidex enters the picture. By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme and slowing the production of estrogen, this drug helps prevent gynecomastia. That’s because estrogen is to the breast tissue as gasoline is to your car. The latter needs the former to function.
Keep in mind that the benefits of Arimidex aren’t limited to preventing gynecomastia. This drug may also prevent infertility, erectile dysfunction, and depression in the male population. All of these are the side effects of the anabolic steroid cycles. [R]
If you’re in a hurry and want to have a quick overview of the benefits and side effects of Arimidex PCT, this section has you sorted.
Remember that most of these side effects tend to be mild, as long as you stick to the recommended dosage (more on this below).Also, if you’re looking for an alternative to anabolic steroids, one that could boost your body’s natural testosterone production, check out our guide on selective androgen receptor modulators.Bodybuilders use Arimidex as a Post Cycle Therapy because it inhibits the production of estrogen. This hormone has many vital functions in the body, both male and female. But its elevated levels in men’s system lead to gynecomastia, or breast growth. That’s what Arimidex helps prevent.Arimidex does that by reducing estrogen production in the body. This, in turn, lowers the supply of the female hormone to the breast tissue. With the incoming supply of fuel (estrogen) that it needs to grow depleted, the ability of the breast tissue to expand nosedives.
One of the major benefits of Arimidex is that it might help or treat gynecomastia. However, its utility doesn’t end there. This aromatase inhibitor has also shown promise in treating erectile dysfunction, infertility and depression among the male population.Here are the major benefits you may expect from Arimidex:
According to an estimate, gynecomastia is one of the most common male breast disorders. Up to 70% of boys and men develop ‘man boobs’ in early to mid-puberty. Most of them develop gynecomastia due to regular hormone changes. Some, however, get it due to anabolic steroids use. [R]
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It is obtained from human origin and is obtained from women who are in their first few months of pregnancy.
While it won’t have a huge effect on the FSH. It does, however, have a great effect on stimulating the LH which in turn can help the Leydig cells found in the testes to start creating testosterone.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is mainly prescribed for women, yet it does have some medical uses for men. For teens who have issues with their testicles not dropping during puberty, HCG is prescribed to help. It is also prescribed for men with low testosterone.
Having first been in manufacture since 1920 and has been a prescribed medication since the 1930s. It has had much clinical use and thousands of trials, which is why it is quite trusted in the bodybuilding world.
HCG Dose and Availability
HCG is available in pharmaceutical grade. It comes as a power puck which you will need to mix with sterile water.
Once reconstituted the doses range from 1500iu 2500iu to 5000iu and 10000iu. The general price is between £25 – £35 per box.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin has been a staple as a part of a PCT for many, many years. It has solidified its place in the bodybuilding world by being one of the most effective treatments to boost natural testosterone production in men.
After a cycle, a user’s natural production of testosterone has been significantly slowed or completely shut down. The difference between those who keep some gains and those who lose everything is usually a good PCT and how quickly the natural testosterone production can recover.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin works by stimulating the Leydig cells inside the testes to being making testosterone again. Thanks to its ability as a fertility drug it is very effective.
HCG is usually injected two-three times a week for around three weeks from the start of the PCT. FDA approved protocols involve 500 – 1000iu being injected three times a week for a three-week cycle.
Most users will feel the benefit of using 1500iu three times a week for three weeks.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin isn’t injected like steroids are. It follows a similar injection technique to that of HGH or Insulin.
Once prepared in your insulin pin you grab some fat in the lower abdomen and inject the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin into the fat under the skin, this is referred to as a subcutaneous injection.
Insulin pins are also much, much smaller than steroid injections and are extremely easy and painless to do.
HCG is usually a very tolerable drug and not many people will experience side effects from using it. However, there are some side effects to be aware of including; headaches, irritability, restlessness, fatigue, depression and gynecomastia.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin should only be used while also running Nolvadex to protect the user from any gynecomastia symptoms
Anadrol (commonly called by athletes “A50” or “A-bombs”) was initially developed as a compound to help people with anemia, and has since been used very successfully to aid people who are suffering from many other diseases where weight loss is a concern. Thus, it is clearly an effective agent for promoting weight gain, increasing appetite, gaining strength, and increasing Red Blood Cell count. And, as with most Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids (AAS), it has its downsides as well. Anadrol 50 will inhibit your body’s natural production of hormones (testosterone, etc ), will negatively affect your blood lipid profile, can cause water retention, is notorious for causing headaches, and is also highly liver toxic (in fact, it has the worst reputation for hepatoxicity out of all steroids). Paradoxically, although one the benefits touted by its original manufacturer (Syntex) is that it can be used to stimulate weight gain through increasing appetite, taking too much may actually inhibit your appetite!
I think, in order to gain a complete understanding of the Anadrol 50 effects on body, we need to take a look at its advantages contrasted with its disadvantages. Anadrol is a DHT-derived compound, and is 17-Alpha-Alkylated steroid, meaning that it has been altered at the 17th carbon position to survive oral ingestion. Most oral steroids are 17aa, and this helps them make it through your liver in a useful form. Sounds great, right? Lets 17alpha-alkylate everything! Well as you can imagine, there’s a down side.
This 17aa alteration, which makes it possible for Anadrol to survive its first pass through your liver, also makes it very taxing on your liver. How taxing is Anadrol and how much weight can you gain from its use? Well, there was a 30 week study done on Anadrol and, as you can expect, a reasonable amount of side effects were noted. The fact that Anadrol causes some side effects has really never been in debate. But how effective was the drug? Well, first it should be mentioned that this study was done on people with AIDS related wasting, and they actually gained weight (8+kg) while the control group lost weight, and had increased mortality rates. (1). I suppose, if you’re in a study because you have a wasting disease which is also a terminal illness, you don’t want to end up in the control group. Anyway, weight gain in this study peaked at 19-20 weeks, though, so the last 10 weeks weren’t very productive in this respect. Clearly, you wouldn’t want to run Anadrol 50 for 20 weeks, given its toxicity, but after that, any effect in terms of weight and strength gains would be negligible. So, with regards to sides from Anadrol, and the sheer fact that this study lasted so long (30 weeks), it should be apparent that they can be kept under control and the drug can be used safely. People are commonly told to limit their intake of Anadrol to 4 weeks or less I’m a bit less conservative and think you can easily run Anadrol for 6 weeks or more.
From personal experience, however, I can tell you that gains from Anadrol are quite dramatic for the first 3 weeks and then quickly level off. Unfortunately, I find that the side effects experienced from Anadrol (which include a headache, bloating, elevated blood pressure, and a general “unwell” feeling for me) remain for the entire duration of use. But I find as usual, side effects for this drug are pretty much half legend and half truth. Since Anadrol 50 is derived from DHT, it cant actually convert to estrogen (via the aromatase enzyme), and its not a progestin or a compound with progestenic activity so the estrogenic (?) side effects produced by it are of a very mysterious nature. It has been speculated that perhaps it can stimulate the estrogen receptor without actually being converted to estrogen and that’s about as plausible an explanation as Ive heard. However, things really get strange, when Oxymetholone has been used in studies to alter the female reproductive/menstrual cycle; in those cases, it has lowered plasma progesterone levels! (7)One would expect that an AI (aromatase inhibitor) wouldn’t be of much use with this drug, but many have found that Letrozole (which has, in some cases been shown to reduce estrogen in the body to an undetectable amount)(6) can greatly reduce or even eliminate many of the more noticeable side effects of Anadrol, such as the bloating.
As I’ve stated, however, the sides from this drug are certainly no joke, but are easily preventable, and controllable. One study even showed very few sides for subjects using up to 100mgs of Oxymetholone (2). In the original UnderGround Steroid Hand Book, Dan Duchaine states that he used it at doses up to 150mgs/day. Clearly, Anadrol’s hepatoxicity has been a bit exaggerated, in some circles. Be that as it may, my suggestion is still to limit Anadrol’s use to 6 weeks, at a maximum even if just to err on the side of caution. Of course, I have personally run this drug for much longer..
How should we use Anadrol? Id probably be willing to include Anadrol in a cycle including injectable steroids, but not other 17aa compounds. Id make any 6-week-run of this compound begin at the start of a cycle, as a form of “jumpstart” towards seeing gains quickly. The quick gains you will get from Anadrol (up to a pound per day for the first 2 weeks are not uncommon in Steroid.com members) are also just as quick to disappear upon cessation of use .unless you are simply using it as a kickstarter, while waiting for your other compounds to kick-in. Ill go out on a limb here and say that utilizing Anadrol as a “Jumpstart” is the most popular use of this drug for athletes and bodybuilders today. Ill also say that this drug is immensely popular with strength athletes who dont have to worry about weight classes (Field athletes and strongmen), and with powerlifters in the heavier weight brackets. Its also important to note that in one study by Schroder et. Al (2) Anadrol showed that it has the ability to lower serum SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin which binds to your free test and makes it no longer useful for anabolism, among other things) concentrations by 54.9 25.8 and 45 16.2 nmol/l in the 50- and 100-mg treatment groups. This means there will be more free test circulating around your body when you take this drug and clearly, this would produce some synergy when stacked with other steroids. Given the large amounts of weight and strength which can be gained in a relatively short time span on this drug, I’m sure this comes as no surprise to many.
Another important and often understated characteristic of this compound is that Oxymetholone doesn’t bind well to the androgen receptor (Relative Binding Affinity = too low to be determined) (3) which is the lowest Ive ever read about. Basically, what this tells me is that there are a lot of non-receptor mediated effects from this steroid, making it a very potent addition to ANY BULKING stack, because it wont be competing for the receptor sites with the other steroids you’re using. Its also, as you may have guessed a very poor choice for a cutting stack.
What is an Anadrol Cycle? How much should you use? Well, this is actually one of the most interesting facts about Anadrol 50. You see, most steroids produce what we call a “dose respondent curve” which is a fancy way of saying “the more you use, the more you gain.”
Anadrol is one of the few steroids where the dose respondent curve flattens out very quickly. When you take 50mgs of Anadrol, you’ll make some very good gains. When you take 100mgs of Anadrol, you’ll make even more gains. However, it has been found that 100mgs/day is as effective for weight gain as 150mgs/day but produces less side effects and was less toxic (4). I feel that the jump from 50mgs to 100mgs constitutes an acceptable rise in benefit vs. cost, but this is not the case as dosages get over 100mgs. Now, lets see how 50mgs and 100mgs of Oxymetholone actually effect strength, when compared with each other:
Relative (%) changes in strength are shown for the groups receiving placebo (filled bars), 50 mg/day oxymetholone (open bars), and 100 mg/day oxymetholone (gray bars). Nos. above bars represent relative change (%) from baseline to week 12 for the 1-repetition maximum tests of strength. Error bars represent 1 SE from the mean. * Significant difference from placebo, P < 0.05; significant difference from placebo by Wilcoxon test, P < 0.02. See text for additional statistical analyses.
As you can see, in this study, doubling the dose of Anadrol 50 nearly doubled the strength gains of the test subjects. Now, when we look at changes in body composition from Oxymetholone (chart below) we can see that although the guys taking the 100mgs (vs. the 50mgs group) had more fat lost and more Lean Body Mass gained, it wasn’t as dramatic as the differences in strength gains between the two groups:
Changes in body composition are shown for the groups receiving placebo (filled bars), 50 mg of oxymetholone per day (open bars), and 100 mg per day (gray bars). Numbers above the bars represent the mean absolute changes and the error bars are 1 SE. For total lean body mass (LBM) and total fat, differences among the 3 groups were significant (P < 0.0001, one-way ANOVA). * Significant differences from placebo, P 0.001.
Although I am usually not inclined to posit speculations on why a particular drug does or doesn’t do something, in this case I will. Im guessing that the higher doses of Anadrol cause enough appetite suppression (at least anecdotally) to make eating rather difficult. It can also increase insulin resistance and glucose intolerance (5). This has the effect of making macronutrient absorption more inefficient, and could also be a factor in reducing gains when the dosage goes over 100mgs/day. Unfortunately, Anadrol also has a reasonably profound effect on your body’s natural hormonal system, on par with most other oral steroids, but not as bad as most injectables, and its certainly not as harsh on your lipid profile as many anabolics are
(2). As an interesting side note, some of the medical literature on this compound suggests a dose of 1-5mgs per kg of bodyweight. Ill pause a second here for you to figure out how absurdly high of a dose that would translate to for the average bodybuilder!
Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. Another brand of sildenafil is Revatio, which is used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension and improve exercise capacity in men and women. This page contains specific information for Viagra, not Revatio.
Do not take Viagra while also taking Revatio, unless your doctor tells you to.
Some medicines can cause unwanted or dangerous effects when used with Viagra. Tell your doctor about all your current medicines, especially riociguat (Adempas) and nitrates.
Do not take Viagra if you are also using a nitrate drug for chest pain or heart problems, including nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, isosorbide mononitrate, and some recreational drugs such as “poppers”. Taking sildenafil with a nitrate medicine can cause a sudden and serious decrease in blood pressure.
Contact your doctor or seek emergency medical attention if your erection is painful or lasts longer than 4 hours. A prolonged erection (priapism) can damage the penis.
Stop using Viagra and get emergency medical help if you have sudden vision loss.
You should not use Viagra if you are allergic to sildenafil, or:
Do not take Viagra if you are also using a nitrate drug for chest pain or heart problems. This includes nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, and isosorbide mononitrate. Nitrates are also found in some recreational drugs such as amyl nitrate or nitrite (“poppers”). Taking sildenafil with a nitrate medicine can cause a sudden and serious decrease in blood pressure.
To make sure Viagra is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have ever had:
Viagra can decrease blood flow to the optic nerve of the eye, causing sudden vision loss. This has occurred in a small number of people taking sildenafil, most of whom also had heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or certain pre-existing eye problems, and in those who smoked or were over 50 years old. It is not clear whether sildenafil is the actual cause of vision loss.
Viagra is not expected to harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.
It is not known whether sildenafil passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.
Do not give this medicine to anyone under 18 years old without medical advice.
Take Viagra exactly as it was prescribed for you. Follow all directions on your prescription label. Do not take this medicine in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.
Viagra is usually taken only when needed, 30 minutes to 1 hour before sexual activity. You may take it up to 4 hours before sexual activity. Do not take Viagra more than once per day.
Viagra can help you have an erection when sexual stimulation occurs. An erection will not occur just by taking a pill. Follow your doctor’s instructions.
During sexual activity, if you become dizzy or nauseated, or have pain, numbness, or tingling in your chest, arms, neck, or jaw, stop and call your doctor right away. You could be having a serious side effect of sildenafil.
Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat.
Since Viagra is used as needed, you are not likely to miss a dose.
Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.
Drinking alcohol with this medicine can cause side effects.
Grapefruit and grapefruit juice may interact with sildenafil and lead to unwanted side effects. Avoid the use of grapefruit products while taking sildenafil.
Avoid using any other medicines to treat impotence, such as alprostadil or yohimbine, without first talking to your doctor.
Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction to Viagra: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.
Stop taking Viagra and get emergency medical help if you have:
Call your doctor at once if you have:
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is one of the oldest and most popular selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM’s) in the world. Tamoxifen Citrate was developed in 1961 by Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) under the trade name Nolvadex. Later, AstraZeneca purchased ICI. Tamoxifen can be used to treat a large amount of dysfunctions, that’s why it was included in the World Health Organization’s list of essential medications. Nolvadex is also widely used by androgenic anabolic steroid users.
The drug was created to treat hormone-responsive breast cancer, then it turned out that it also can be used to prevent breast cancer. Nolvadex also can be used to treat women’s infertility, however studies have shown less effective results than from Clomid (Clomiphene).
In bodybuilding Tamoxifen can be used for two goals. The first option is as an anti-estrogen during an androgenic anabolic steroid cycle in order to prevent estrogen related side effects such as gynecomastia, bloating, high blood pressure, etc. However, similar to the case with Clomid (Clomiphene), I believe that there are more effective drugs such as Anastrozole or Proviron to prevent estrogenic side effects. The second most beneficial option is going through Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) in order to boost the Luteinizing Hormone and testosterone level.
Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) with both estrogen agonist and antagonist properties. For the androgenic anabolic steroid users, one of the desired effects is in the prevention of gynecomastia. Tamoxifen also reduces other estrogenic side effects like water retention and blood pressure but not significantly. That’s why I recommend using other drugs to reduce the estradiol level like Anastrozole and Proviron, however Nolvadex can be used for a weak cycle and it has less side effects. Additionally, Nolvadex has a positive impact on cholesterol levels.
The most valuable effect of Nolvadex is boosting the testosterone level for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). During the cycle your body stops producing its own testosterone because it realizes there are too many hormones. The rate of suppression depends on the steroid cycle, the more advanced the cycle the worse your natural testosterone level will be. Once the cycle is done the natural testosterone production will start slowly recovering again. However, after you’ve finished the cycle your natural testosterone level will be extremely low and it will take time to recover naturally.
No one, especially bodybuilders, would want to stay in a low testosterone condition because it can lead to high body fat, loss of muscles, etc.
Most athletes have a post cycle therapy plan in order to recover their testosterone level faster. Nolvadex one of the medications that is very effective in helping to recover the testosterone level. Nolvadex stimulates the higher release of both luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone. When the body indicates a rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) it starts producing testosterone. That helps in maintaining a higher testosterone level until your natural testosterone has completely recovered.
In bodybuilding, for the purposes of post cycle therapy, your dosage should depend on the cycle. If the cycle was short (6-8 weeks) with one steroid or small steroids dosages you should use 20 milligrams for 14 days. If your cycle was advanced, the dosage of Nolvadex can be up to 50 milligrams per day for 6 weeks with gradually decreasing dosages. Also you can use a combination Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) with Clomid (Clomiphene) after advanced cycles.
The same as with Clomid it’s very important to start using Tamoxifen timely. After oral only cycles like Turinabol, Winstrol and Dianabol you should start using Nolvadex a day after your cycle is completed. If a cycle contains short duration esters, begin using Nolvadex 3 days after the cycle. If a cycle includes long lasting esters you should wait 14 days before using Nolvadex.
For the purpose of decreasing estrogenic side effects during an androgenic anabolic steroid cycle, the optimal dosage is from 10 to 20 milligrams per day. If this dosage does not help to protect from gynecomastia you should consider using aromatase inhibitors such as Anastrozole or Proviron.